Thanks to the NHS and
we know Vaping is significantly less harmful than Smoking,
but how do you get started with Vaping?

How to switch to Vaping

Stop smoking now and see health benefits straight away

It doesn’t matter how long you've been smoking for or how many cigarettes you smoke a day, stopping smoking
now will not only be good for your long-term health, but you will also see immediate health benefits.

20 Minutes

Within 20 minutes your blood pressure drops to the level it was before the last cigarette.

8 Hours

Within 8 hours the carbon monoxide levels in your blood return to normal.

24 Hours

Within 24 hours your chance of a heart attack decreases.

10 Years

By 10 years the risk of lung cancer is approximately half of a smoker. The risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, bladder, kidney and pancreas also decrease.

1 Month

Within 1 to 9 months your lungs regain normal ciliary function, reducing infection risk.

2 Weeks

Within 2 weeks to 3 months your circulation improves and lung function increases.

Buy A Safe & Simple Vape Device

Out of thousands of overwhelming vape devices, there’s one that’s recommended by all vapers for smokers making the switch; the ‘Caliiburn UWell’. It’s extremely easy to use, child-lock safe, and closely resembles the inhaling experience of a cigarette.

Vape Devices
Buy Legal & Safe Vape Juice

Stay safe. Always stick to TPD tested & approved juice that meet UK safety requirements; all juices on IndeJuice are strictly TPD Compliant. It’s also important to vape a suitable nicotine strength. Add your device to cart and you'll find a simple cigarette nicotine converter.

Buy E-Juices
Fill Your Vape Cartridge & Live SmokeFree

Once you receive your vape device and vape juices, simply top up your vape cartridges that come with the device by following the simple instructions we include, and you’ll never have to touch a cigarette again.

View Vape Devices