Delivery Information

Do you deliver to me?

We’re an online marketplace and don’t sell our own products (just our sellers), so delivery times and destinations will vary from seller to seller.

Our sellers have the ability to set customised delivery templates, and the locations they choose will depend on the courier and services they have access to. You can easily find out if the seller you would like to order from delivers to your location from the product page.

There’s a box with delivery information below the ‘Add To Basket’ button. You can click on the location shown, which will bring up a pop-up where you can set your location.

It will then display whether this particular seller delivers to your location. Once you’ve selected your delivery location, you can scroll down to the ‘Compare Sellers’ table to see if there are any other sellers listing under this item who are able to deliver to your location.

How much does delivery cost?

As t3naturals is an online marketplace that connects you with thousands of sellers, delivery costs will vary depending on the seller you order from. We aim to make the shopping experience on t3naturals as easy and transparent as possible, so you’ll find the delivery cost for each item displayed on its product page below the price.

For listings with multiple sellers, you can also scroll down to the Compare Sellers table and view delivery costs for the different sellers of the particular item.

If you’d like to view a seller’s general delivery costs, you can click on their name and select the Delivery tab that will display the costs to the destinations they ship to.

When browsing from a seller’s storefront, simply click the Delivery tab at the top to view their general delivery costs to the different destinations they ship to.

Please note: When you are browsing the seller's delivery costs on their storefront, please bear in mind that sellers may have additional charges that apply to specific products.

Why do I have multiple delivery costs or different delivery times for the same order?

t3naturals is an online marketplace with thousands of sellers who set their own delivery costs and times. This means that your order may have multiple delivery costs or different delivery times if you are purchasing from either one seller or more than one seller.

If you are purchasing items from more than one seller, your order is likely to have multiple delivery costs and different delivery times.

If you are purchasing multiple items from one seller, you may find that your order has multiple delivery costs or different delivery times.

Sometimes sellers will have additional delivery charges on specific items (such as heavy items that cost more to ship or items of high value that require a signed-for delivery). This means that you may see multiple delivery costs on your order, despite all the items being
ordered from one seller. 

Sellers may offer faster delivery on particular items that are ready to ship from their warehouse while some items may not be available for faster delivery, which means that your order may end up with different delivery times.