Returns and Exchanges

What is your return policy?

t3naturals is an online marketplace: we're not a retailer, so we don’t sell our own products (just our sellers') which means the returns process will vary depending on the seller you order from.

You can view each individual seller’s return policy from their storefront. If you’re on the product page of the item you wish to buy, simply click the seller’s name above the price (if there are multiple sellers, scroll down to the 'Compare Sellers' table and select the seller you’d like to purchase from).

This will bring up a pop-up where you can click on the ‘Returns & Terms’ tab and view their individual return policy.

If you have any questions about the seller’s return policy, please contact the seller directly.

How do I return my products?

We’re an online marketplace, not a retailer, so you’ll need to request a return from the seller you ordered from. This can be done through your t3naturals account.

Simply go to the 'View Orders' section in your t3naturals account and locate the order you’d like to return. Then, click the ‘Return Items’ button and select a reason for your return. You’ll also have the option to leave any additional comments for the seller.

Please note: Return policies vary from seller to seller and the submission of a return request does not guarantee your return will be accepted - this is up to the seller.

Please don't return your item to the seller if your return request hasn't been accepted and you haven't been provided with a returns address.

How quickly will a refund reach my account?

Once a refund has been processed by the seller, the money should reach your original payment method in 3-5 working days, although this can take up to 30 days for credit/debit cards depending on who you bank with.

You can check the status of your order from your t3naturals account from the 'View Orders' section. You can view any refund details by clicking the ‘View Order Details’ button.