Welcome to t3naturals

About us

At t3 our heart is in wellness. This journey started when we as couple started trying for a baby andwanted to start working on improving our lifestyle. Being tea lovers, we wanted to enjoy tea without the caffeine while also ensuring it was the best quality as well.

This led us to discovering more natural products. Our roots are Ayurveda and natural products. In current commercial market most conglomerates focus on the selling of goods, we focus on complete process A to Z including sourcing and manufacturing natural products which are good, not only for humans but for other living species and our planet.

We expanded our vision as we kept adopting different ways of improving our lifestyle and thought it would be great to share that with the world so that everything can be found in one place. Our plan is to adding new products and partners as we go along.

Our Values

  • Ethical
  • Honest
  • Respect
  • Integrity
  • Continuous Improvement

Our Mission

  • Be the no.1 platform for natural wellness products.
  • Marking excellence in every aspect of our performance and relations.

How Does t3naturals Work?


Find an item and compare price, delivery cost, delivery times, seller reviews and warranty.


Payments are securely processed by Via Wallet/ PayPal and eligible orders are backed up by Buyer Protection.


We hope you enjoy your order and don't forget to put the ratings.


By reviewing your order, you will be entered into our monthly prize draw!

Why Should I Shop With t3naturals?

  • Low prices and even more savings with t3naturals Deals
  • Buyer Protection on eligible orders
  • We only allow verified reviews for genuine orders
  • Simple, secure checkout
  • Support a UK business that pays its fair share of tax

Is t3naturals Safe?


Our sellers are professionals, handpicked and verified (yes every single one of them), so you know you're buying from an established company or sole trader rather than an individual. You can read reviews of our sellers and their products to help you make an informed decision about your purchase.

Your money and personal details are kept safe. Every transaction you make on t3naturals will be protected with Via Wallet/ PayPal advanced data encryption and subject to their thorough security checks to prevent fraud, email phishing and identity theft.

You can shop with all major credit and debit cards through Via Wallet, and eligible orders are backed up by Via Wallet/PayPal Buyer Protection, giving you added security and peace of mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where is t3naturals based?
    we are a UK based company. contact us
  • Where are t3naturals sellers based?
    All over UK and Worldwide.
  • Why can I buy the same product at different prices?
    Different seller sell their product at different prices based on their own costing and circumstances.
  • How do I create an t3naturals account?
    You can make an t3naturals account by going to the create account page. simply fill out the form and click ‘Register’. Alternatively, simply place your first order - you will create an account during checkout.
  • Do you deliver to me?
    We’re an online marketplace and don’t sell our own products (just our sellers), so delivery times and destinations will vary from seller to seller.
  • How do I contact the seller?
    We always recommend contacting the seller directly with enquiries about products, orders, deliveries and returns as they’ll be able to advise you best.
  • What is your return policy?
    t3naturals is an online marketplace. we're not a retailer, so we don’t sell our own products. The returns process will vary depending on the seller you order from.
  • How do I return my products?
    We’re an online marketplace, not a retailer, so you’ll need to request a return from the seller you ordered from. This can be done through your t3naturals account.

Stay Up To Date With t3naturals

Keep an eye on our social media for all the latest from t3naturals HQ - and of course, the latest Deals!
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